Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pretty in Pink....

O.k. I know that it has been a long time since I have done a post. I guess I have been a little busy. I had my third treatment last Monday. It went much better than the others. Don't get me wrong. It still wasnt a barrel of fun, but at least I wasnt doubled over in pain. I am halfway through!!
The Race for the Cure was on Sunday. I was nervous that I wouldn't have the strength to make it there. It meant a lot for me to get there. So, we got a wheelchair from the church and my sisters and mom made these awesome signs. And we prayed a lot on Saturday because I really wasn't feeling very good. God is amazing! I woke up Sunday morning feeling energized and ready to go. Thank you for all of your prayers!! It was the most awesome day. Jenn's Journey of Faith team is awesome. That's all I can say. To see everyone there to support me meant so much! Oh and the best part, John's mom, a 20 year breast cancer survivor, flew in from Michigan the night before to surprise me! What an awesome surprise! Now I had someone to push me in the Survivor's parade! It was an awesome day! One that I will not soon forget. Next year, I will definitely be running the 5K! So, start training for next year everyone!!
Here are some shots from the day and a link to the news interview of Jadyn and I! Love you all!!! We are the Cure!!!

The news interview

1 comment:

  1. Jen, That was an AWESOME day! About running the 5K next year....ummmmm I have trouble running to the mailbox - for real, I've tried! I would do anything for you, but REALLY? Can I just walk the mile again, that worked out great for me. Eat a Wildflower muffin, walk a mile, eat another muffin, then go get another muffin. Yumm!!!!


Welcome to Jen's Journey of Faith

If you are looking at this blog, you probably already know that I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Invasive Breast Cancer on July 1, 2009. It came as an absolute shock to me and my family. I love the Lord Jesus Christ, he is my Savior and I wouldn't be able to go on without my personal relationship with Him! His is a peace that passes all understanding! And there is know way on earth I can come to understand why I got cancer at the age of 37. But, the fact is I did and I intend to make the most out of this experience. God has chosen me to endure this and I consider it an honor that he found me strong enough to be able to beat this! He doesn't give us anything we can't handle! He must have a lot of faith in me! I named this blog Jen's Journey of Faith, because that's exactly what this is. The only way I can complete this journey is by complete faith in Him! Let the Journey begin..........