Well, anyone who says that chemo is a "piece of cake" is not being truthful. I can pretty much say, that kicked my rear! Monday was a breeze, Tuesday too. But, come Wednesday, I felt like I had been kicked to the curb. By Thursday, I found out I was having a bad reaction to the chemo and to the shot that I got the day after that was supposed to boost my blood count. I guess, being a younger patient, I didn't really "need" the boost in the blood cells quite yet, so, it was "oozing" out of my bone marrow and putting pressure on my bones. It felt like everytime that I stood up that my legs were going to snap in half. That's putting it nicely. By Friday morning after at least 24 hours of not keeping anything down, the Dr. had me come in for some fluids. I had four bags of IV fluids and several different kinds of drugs to control the nausea. I really had them stumped. But, I avoided a trip to the hospital after several hours in his office. By this morning, I feel 100% better. Still, pretty weak and a little achy, I feel human again.
Looking back now, on those few days. I really do feel like I fought a battle. As John told me on Friday, I was letting it kick my butt, I needed to get up and kick it's butt!! Those few days, I think I felt about as low that I could. I had no strength. I literally was calling out to the Lord to do this for me. I couldn't do it. Last night, when I got up the strength to turn on the computer, I saw the prayers that were going out for me on Facebook, and instantly felt the strength starting to come back to me. I remembered that I wasn't doing this alone!! Duh!! So, thank you all for those prayers. Keep 'em coming! I pray that the next several days continue to get better and better!
"He's not finished me yet! All the plans He's made for me I have to wait and see..."
Brandon Heath "Wait and See"
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Lord is all I need....
Good morning...I know I just did a new post and thought I was done until after my treatment. But, God had other plans. Not surprisingly, I didn't sleep very well, last night. I have butterflies in my stomach, like I'm going to a new school and don't know anyone. I opened up my devotions for the morning out of "The Satisfied Heart" by Ruth Myers. Here are the words God had for me this morning...
"Every good thing I have comes from you....The Lord is all I need."....."Our needs and our trials give Him a chance to reveal Himself in new ways. For every need in our emotional or mental or spiritual life, for every problem in our relationships, for every trial we go through, God offers something (such as His love, His power, His provision) that can bring us through triumphantly- if we know and believe and count on Him in the hour of need. God is our first Source, and ultimately the only Source, of all we need for a full and satisfied life."
Psalm 16:2, 5
The Lord knows that I have had plenty of trials in my life and every time he has something new and amazing to offer to me!! This is His chance to show His Glory and Power! How could I ask Him to take this opportunity away!!
My prayer for today is...
"I praise You that for every need of my heart and every situation in my life there is something in You that can meet my deepest need, and that You are here within me to do so.
I pray that Your love will dawn on me undimmed, so that I may rejoice and be glad in You. And may my roots go deeper and deeper into the soil of Your marvelous love. Day by day, hour by hour, fill me with Yourself."
"Every good thing I have comes from you....The Lord is all I need."....."Our needs and our trials give Him a chance to reveal Himself in new ways. For every need in our emotional or mental or spiritual life, for every problem in our relationships, for every trial we go through, God offers something (such as His love, His power, His provision) that can bring us through triumphantly- if we know and believe and count on Him in the hour of need. God is our first Source, and ultimately the only Source, of all we need for a full and satisfied life."
Psalm 16:2, 5
The Lord knows that I have had plenty of trials in my life and every time he has something new and amazing to offer to me!! This is His chance to show His Glory and Power! How could I ask Him to take this opportunity away!!
My prayer for today is...
"I praise You that for every need of my heart and every situation in my life there is something in You that can meet my deepest need, and that You are here within me to do so.
I pray that Your love will dawn on me undimmed, so that I may rejoice and be glad in You. And may my roots go deeper and deeper into the soil of Your marvelous love. Day by day, hour by hour, fill me with Yourself."
Sunday, August 23, 2009
One day at a a time....
One day at a time....those are the words that I keep reading on a bracelet I received from a sweet friend of my mom's. Sometimes it seems like hour by hour! Listen to the words of the first song I posted here. I hear it a million times a day, but for some reason it really spoke to me today. I know tomorrow is a good day. It is one step closer to being healed! One down ....Five more to go!! Pray for my family. Especially my amazing husband! He is being soooo strong for me. I am so thankful to have him. Till next time!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The "new" look!

Sorry that it has been so long since I have posted. John took me up north to our family cabin for a week. It was wonderful. No t.v's, computers, phones, just us together as a family enjoying the peace and the beautiful outdoors! It was a perfect place to go to finish recovering from surgery. I came home and felt like a new person. The kids started school and I have been able to feel like a normal human being for a few days. I feel great. I got another "fill" yesterday. I'm almost to a B!! So, I went and picked up my wig the other day, and I am really enjoying it. I have been wearing it around yesterday and today! No one can tell that it isn't real. (or so they say) So, I went to my friend Annie's house to show her and she wanted to take some shots of me. So, here they are! So, if you see me in the next few days or weeks and I look different, that's why!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Making the most of it.....
Well, I haven't posted since my appointment with the oncologist. I was prepared for the worst and I guess that's what I heard. My first treatment is August 24. I have a treatment every 3 weeks for 18 weeks. I WILL lose all of my hair, according to the dr. It's what I need to do to give me the best chance at a long and healthy life. 18 weeks is nothing when you look at the big picture. Soooo...I called mom and my sister and we had a field trip today. We went wig shopping!! Instead of all of us crying and being depressed that we were even having to do this..We made it fun! We just played dress up for a few hours. It was actually kind of fun. I think I'm going to wear one all of the time.

Playing around with long hair!!!!

The glam look. I just need some Jackie O sunglasses and I'd be good to go!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
No more bulges!!!
That's how Jake described me yesterday after getting my drains out...finally!!! I can't tell you how happy I am that they are out! Let's just say that it wasn't a pleasant experience. (to say the least) Now, all I have to do is focus on the healing. Tomorrow I have my appointment with the oncologist. That will give us a lot of information regarding the chemo plans. I have tried to keep an open mind this time so I won't be disappointed coming out. Please pray that I will be pleasantly surprised!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Thanks for caring.....
Thanks Mom and Dad Domres......I love you too!!
I have been feeling pretty good this weekend, aside from these HORRID drains! I can't wait until Tuesday and I hopefully get them out. I have a Dr.'s appointment everyday this week. I'm trying not to let that get me down. At least it gets me out of the house! :) I can't wait to feel human again! That day will come soon......Love you all.
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Welcome to Jen's Journey of Faith
If you are looking at this blog, you probably already know that I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Invasive Breast Cancer on July 1, 2009. It came as an absolute shock to me and my family. I love the Lord Jesus Christ, he is my Savior and I wouldn't be able to go on without my personal relationship with Him! His is a peace that passes all understanding! And there is know way on earth I can come to understand why I got cancer at the age of 37. But, the fact is I did and I intend to make the most out of this experience. God has chosen me to endure this and I consider it an honor that he found me strong enough to be able to beat this! He doesn't give us anything we can't handle! He must have a lot of faith in me! I named this blog Jen's Journey of Faith, because that's exactly what this is. The only way I can complete this journey is by complete faith in Him! Let the Journey begin..........