Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No more bulges!!!

That's how Jake described me yesterday after getting my drains out...finally!!! I can't tell you how happy I am that they are out! Let's just say that it wasn't a pleasant experience. (to say the least) Now, all I have to do is focus on the healing. Tomorrow I have my appointment with the oncologist. That will give us a lot of information regarding the chemo plans. I have tried to keep an open mind this time so I won't be disappointed coming out. Please pray that I will be pleasantly surprised!

1 comment:

  1. Jen,
    Sorry I haven't been by much. I've been thinking about you daily and so sorry for what you are going through. I hope you know that we love you so much and are so blessed to have you in our lives. I will be there whenever you need no matter what. Let me know when your treatments are and I can take the kids for a couple or several days til you feel better. Just think they will be starting school soon!!! I was thinking the other day how we try so hard to make our bodies look so good and the things we do... God reminds us that these bodies will decay and we will have perfect bodies in heaven one day. That thought is so nice to think about... I can't wait. Love you so much!


Welcome to Jen's Journey of Faith

If you are looking at this blog, you probably already know that I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Invasive Breast Cancer on July 1, 2009. It came as an absolute shock to me and my family. I love the Lord Jesus Christ, he is my Savior and I wouldn't be able to go on without my personal relationship with Him! His is a peace that passes all understanding! And there is know way on earth I can come to understand why I got cancer at the age of 37. But, the fact is I did and I intend to make the most out of this experience. God has chosen me to endure this and I consider it an honor that he found me strong enough to be able to beat this! He doesn't give us anything we can't handle! He must have a lot of faith in me! I named this blog Jen's Journey of Faith, because that's exactly what this is. The only way I can complete this journey is by complete faith in Him! Let the Journey begin..........