Wednesday, September 2, 2009

the beginning......

Well, this might rank up there with the wierdest post I have done so far. But, it's all part of the process and I told myself I was going to share everything from beginning to the end of this long journey. I am feeling stronger every day. That is definitely a plus. I guess I need to take about 10 days to get myself back. It's good to be back. My friend Annie actually took me out of the house today for something besides a dr.'s appointment. That was fun! Thanks Annie.

If you would have told me 6 months ago that I would be crying today over losing my nose hair!!..I would have told you that you're crazy!!! But, I did. I guess this is the beginning of the end of my hair. I know it sounds silly, but it really is traumatic! (along with a little painful!) I just needed to call my sis and cry for a few minutes and then I'm over it. My scalp is feeling a little tingly. Some say that is the first sign of the hair falling out. I think we might be having a girl's night and just shave it off in a few days. That way I am still feeling somewhat in control! We all know I like that!

Anyway, that was my big drama for the day....along with dealing with some mouth sores. That's nothing I can't handle. I go tomorrow for a blood count to make sure I can get my next treatment. Pray for all to be well. Love you all.....till next time. You can thank me later for not posting any pictures of my "hairless nose" :)

1 comment:

  1. Uggg. Not fun. But I was so glad you came today. Hopefully it didn't make you tired! It was 100 times easier for me because you were there :) Thanks for all of your help and ideas!


Welcome to Jen's Journey of Faith

If you are looking at this blog, you probably already know that I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Invasive Breast Cancer on July 1, 2009. It came as an absolute shock to me and my family. I love the Lord Jesus Christ, he is my Savior and I wouldn't be able to go on without my personal relationship with Him! His is a peace that passes all understanding! And there is know way on earth I can come to understand why I got cancer at the age of 37. But, the fact is I did and I intend to make the most out of this experience. God has chosen me to endure this and I consider it an honor that he found me strong enough to be able to beat this! He doesn't give us anything we can't handle! He must have a lot of faith in me! I named this blog Jen's Journey of Faith, because that's exactly what this is. The only way I can complete this journey is by complete faith in Him! Let the Journey begin..........