Sunday, December 6, 2009

An end to chapter of Jen's Journey....

Well, it's hard to believe that this chapter of my journey is coming to an end. It's been quite a journey, but a purposeful one. I am so blessed with so much support around for me AND my family. I can't imagine doing it any other way. From my sister organizing soooo many meals, my husband for supporting me at my treatments, my mother-in law being the taxi cab driver, my other sister being the cheering squad ( well really Rory and Abby), and ALL of the prayers!

When I set out on this journey, I was determined to not be "defined" by this cancer. I can't say that our lives haven't been affected dramatically by the cancer, but it definitely didn't define me. The Journey did. It has become my ministry. The sermon in church today was about Paul and Silas and their ministry. How they used every opportunity to minister to people. Whether it was a woman on a corner or the prison guard that had beaten them moments earlier! While I was listening to the pastor, I was thinking of how my story related to theirs. They did not have an easy time of it, that's for sure, but they never quit. They were determined to turn their hardships into good for the Glory of God. That is exactly what my goal was and still is. I pray that when people hear my story they don't feel sorry for me. I hope that they see how I have turned a pretty grim situation into a ministry to win people to Christ. Thank you Lord, for this opportunity!!

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Welcome to Jen's Journey of Faith

If you are looking at this blog, you probably already know that I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Invasive Breast Cancer on July 1, 2009. It came as an absolute shock to me and my family. I love the Lord Jesus Christ, he is my Savior and I wouldn't be able to go on without my personal relationship with Him! His is a peace that passes all understanding! And there is know way on earth I can come to understand why I got cancer at the age of 37. But, the fact is I did and I intend to make the most out of this experience. God has chosen me to endure this and I consider it an honor that he found me strong enough to be able to beat this! He doesn't give us anything we can't handle! He must have a lot of faith in me! I named this blog Jen's Journey of Faith, because that's exactly what this is. The only way I can complete this journey is by complete faith in Him! Let the Journey begin..........